Why I am becoming a Death Doula

So why did I become a death doula? It's been an evolution since I started my formal reiki training back in 2017. My first Reiki Master had volunteered in Hospice for years and I was fascinated by how the modality of Reiki could be used in this setting. And I often think back to when my Super Gran was in hospice and did she have someone supporting her with Reiki energy during her end of life journey.

The idea that this type of work was not something she would have received makes me a bit sad. It is because of Super Gran that I learnt about energy work at an early age and was such a big part of her life. 

So back to why a death doula, the idea that I can support individuals prepare and navigate the very personal side of our final journey in this life, just feels right. My meditation training allows me to build personal guided visualizations to bring people to a place that brings them great joy. Reiki helps to reduce anxiety, stress and worry. Death Doula training has shown me there is so much more to this deep work than just sitting vigil during the active stage of dying. 

The idea of working with the dying has come up multiple times over the last 6 years and when I was getting ready to close the chapter of my retail shop, the universe once again put Death work in my path. This time I didn’t push it aside saying “now is not the time” I choose to dive right in and not look back. January 2023, I took my first 6 week course and at the time of writing this blog post I am into my second course which will be 5 month long, and its just begun. 

I am sure there will be so much more to share over the coming months and years as I continue to grow into an industry that is rarely spoken about. 

There is a feeling of “coming into myself” with this work and I am excited and humbled with where it will take me.


How Reiki can support you in a Divorce or Separation.
